QA Budget before a warning letter VS QA Budget  after a warning letter图片来源于网络,版权归原作者所有。



6 月 15 日,国际药品认证合作组织(PIC/S)宣布了其将欧盟 GMP 附录16 关于药品质量受权人(QP)认证和批次放行的内容纳入 PIC/S 指南的计划。目的是让

Content of current EU GMP Annex 16 is strongly influenced by EU Directives framework. Its proposed transposition by PIC/S is now focussing more on important technical elements of QP release decision(s


塌陷温度 (Collapse Temperature) 冻干时,干燥层温度上升到一定数值时,物料中的冰晶消失,原先为冰晶所占据的空间成为空穴,冻干层呈多孔蜂窝状海绵

2021-06-19美国 FDA 加速批准渤健(Biogen)阿尔茨海默病新药 Aduhelm 引发的争议已波及到该疾病领域之外,肌萎缩侧索硬化症(ALS)倡导者对 FDA 在 ALS 领域

Development of the generic drug industry in the US after the Hatch-Waxman Act of 1984Garth Boehm (a), Lixin Yao (a), Liang Han (a,b), Qiang Zheng (a,c,*)a. Center for Pharmaceutical Information and En

识林邀请海问上海和北京办公室生命科学业务与医药健康领域的合伙人吴婷律师,在(2021年) 6 月 29 日(周二)上午 9:00-10:30 举行线上讲座 , 会议性质


4.10 The data governance programme should include policies and procedures addressing data management. These should at least whereapplicable, include:data classification,confidentiality and privacy;


对于冻干工艺APS的考量 无菌验证与消毒效力工艺验证

>> The process simulation test should imitate as closely as possible the routine aseptic manufacturing process and include all the critical manufacturing steps...>> Annex 1 : Manufacture of Sterile Pr


Why is Steam Quality Testing considered so important by SRA inspectors? What should a company wishing to be compliant with WHO/PICs/EU/MHRA cGMP be doing and why?Ian Thrussell – GMP Consultant, Park

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) commitment to expand mutual reliance with trusted regulatory partners may be a silver lining for biomedical innovation during an unprecedented public he

2021 年 6 月 1 日上午 8:30-10:30(北京时间),识林将再次携手 IPEM 教育项目和美国霍金路伟(Hogan Lovells)律所举行线上讲座,介绍 FDA 细胞治疗产品的法



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