因此,对于问题1,长期稳定性考察的时限需要比暂定的有效期时间要长,这样产品获批后,可以根据长期稳定性试验数据可以进行产品的有效期变更(见已上市化学药品药学变更研究技术指导原则(试行) 中变更有效期部分)。对于问题2,持续稳定性考察的时间覆盖产品有效期或根据公司文件规定执行。
1. 不认可此被采纳的回答。提问是否“必须”,该回答表述的意思是“为了其他目的,最好…” 实际上如同其他同仁回答所指出的,不是必须的。
2. 持续稳定性考察也没有必要超过效期。此外,持续稳定性考察的频次也并非必须与制定效期的长期稳定性考察频次相同,只要有依据并记录,可以进行简化。
中国GMP通则“第二百三十五条“和WHO TRS1010 制剂部分的"2.2.13 Ongoing stability studies"的说法是一致的,“(持续稳定性)考察批次数和检验频次应当能够获得足够的数据,以供趋势分析。” “The number of batches and frequency of testing should provide sufficient data to allow for trend analysis.
WHO TRS 1010制剂部分的"2.2.13 Ongoing stability studies"指出,“The protocol for the ongoing stability programme can be different from that of the initial long-term stability study as submitted in the marketing authorization dossier provided that this is justified and documented in the protocol (for example, the frequency of testing as above, or when updating to meet revised recommendations).
而在WHO TRS 1010原料药部分的"2.1.11 Ongoing stability studies"也提到“generally should be tested at least every 6 months in the first year and then annually to confirm the stability.”, 而并非常规长期稳定性的0、3、6、9…,
1、对于注册用稳定性考察 :需要承诺稳定性研究至批准后涵盖效期
2.1.8. Stability Commitment
When available long term stability data on primary batches do not cover the proposed re-test period granted at the time of approval, a commitment should be made to continue the stability studies post approval in order to firmly establish the re-test period.
持续稳定性考察(0n-going Stability Monitoring)持续稳定性考察的目的是在有效期内监控已上市药品的质量,以发现药品与生产相关的稳定性问题(如杂质含量或溶出度特性的变化),并确定药品能够在标示的贮存条件下,符合质量标准的各项要求。---中国GMP 第十章 质量控制与质量保证
EU GMP 6.27 The purpose of the on-going stability programme is to monitorthe product over its shelf life and to determine that the product remains, and canbe expected to remain, within specifications under the labelled storage conditions
WHO稳定性指南 The purpose of the ongoing stability programme is to monitorthe product over its shelf-life and to determine that the product remains, andcan be expected to remain, within Specifications under the storage conditions onthe label.