清洁和消毒领域中,英文词cleaning, sanitizing, disinfecting之间, 以及sanitation, sanitizition, disinfection之间的区别,在中文语境中的对应关系如何?

清洁和消毒领域中,在英文文件中常碰到cleaning、sanitizing、 disinfecting、sterilising,sanitation、sanitizition、disinfectation、sterilization,以及sanitizer、disinfectant、sporicide等几组词语。


问题是sanitizing、disinfecting,sanitation、sanitizition、 disinfection,以及sanitizer、disinfectant,这些词与词之间主要区别是什么?实际使用中会不会区分?


2024-02-28 11:33 史地小学生     
史地小学生 2024-02-29 14:06


US CDC Cleaning, Sanitizing, and Disinfecting 之间的差异和区别

另外,在21CFR part 211, EU/PICS/WHO等GMP法规或指南中,有时也是都会出现。


解铃还须系铃人,以下的定义来自PDA 技术报告TR 70 无菌生产设施的清洁消毒程序原理 和 TR 13 环境监测项目的基本原理.

Clean (v.) The implementation of procedures to render an area, piece of equipment, system, or object free of adulterants and contaminants.

Clean(liness):The measurement for the level of particulates, microbes, or other extraneous substances on an item or surface.

Sanitize: To make physically clean and to remove and destroy, to the maximum degree that is practical, agents injurious to health.

Disinfection:The destruction of pathogenic and other kinds of microorganisms by thermal or chemical means.

Sanitization: Process of reducing the number of all forms of microbial contamination including fungi, viruses,and bacteria (7).

Sanitizers:Sanitizers provide minimal reduction in thirty seconds to ten minutes and are often used for low levels of vegetative microorganisms. The type of sanitizer will dictate the appropriate contact time required. Alcohol is an example of a commonly used sanitizer.

Disinfectants:Disinfectants exhibit a higher level of efficacy than sanitizers, and their kill is dependent on the inoculums and the contact time. Disinfectants will typically kill vegetative microorganisms with the exception of spore-forming microorganisms. Examples include quaternary ammonium compounds and phenolics.

2024-03-10 15:04 夏博良     

关于消毒剂,还有“antiseptic”、“xxx agent”;这些词在日常生活中经常被交替使用,它们之间的区别在于每个词有着特定的含义和使用场景。相关术语定义可以查看:

 - USP<1072> Disinfectants and Antiseptics 

 - 主题词 - 消毒剂

 - 主题词 - 消毒

Sanitizers, Disinfectants, Sporicides 之间的区别(引自:PDA TR70 无菌生产设施清洁和消毒程序的基础[2015年])

Sanitizers can best be described as chemical agents that reduce the number of vegetative microorganisms to a safe level but do not destroy bacterial and fungal spores. Disinfectants are chemical agents that reduce, destroy, or eliminate vegetative forms of microorganisms but not spores. Sporicides are chemical agents that will destroy all vegetative microorganisms as well as bacterial and fungal spores.

Sanitizers 强调减少微生物营养体的数量至安全水平(公共安全卫生要求的),并不破坏细菌和真菌孢子。

Disinfectants 强调减少,以及破坏和消除微生物营养体,但不包括孢子。

Sporicides 强调破坏所有的微生物营养体,包括细菌和真菌孢子。

2024-03-06 15:36 识林-枍     

而这两个词中间,disinfect的程度更加彻底。dis-(否定的)+ infect 感染 = 不被感染 = 消毒。

-sane- 这个词根表示 physical health (物理意义上的健康),后来衍生到形容生理和心理上~
sanity 神志清醒,理智;sanitation 卫生设备;sanitary 卫生的

sanitation,  卫生设备和系统



2024-02-29 08:58 阳光蒲照     
史地小学生 2024-02-29 14:29


以下是EU GMP 通则中用到的上面这些词的相关段落:其中,条款“4.29”中的用词“sanitation”,怎么对应更好?(仅用来探讨,猜测大家日常中不有有这个疑问)

3.2 Premises should be carefully maintained, ensuring that repair and maintenance operations do not present any hazard to the quality of products. They should be cleaned and, where applicable, disinfected according to detailed written procedures .

3.9 Where starting and primary packaging materialsintermediate or bulk products are exposed to the environment, interior surfaces (walls, floors and ceilings) should be smooth, free from cracks and open joints, and should not shed particulate matter and should permit easy and effective cleaning and, if necessary, disinfection.

3.11 Drains should be of adequate size, and have trapped gullies. Open channels should be avoided where possible, but if necessary, they should be shallow to facilitate cleaning and disinfection.

3.43 Distilled, deionized and, where appropriate, other water pipes should be sanitised according to written procedures that detail the action limits for microbiological contamination and the measures to be taken.

4.29 There should be written policies, procedures , protocols, reports and the associated records of actions taken or conclusions reached, where appropriate, for the following examples:

以下是从网站摘抄的对于sanitize、disinfect及衍生词的一些解释和对比。个人觉得题主纠结这个是因为中文上差异不大,但是细分上不太好理解。从下面的意义上来说,sanitation着重于“remove”,而disinfection 则倾向于“kill and keep disinfectant on the surface”,也就因此有了这两个词的差异。

Sanitation is defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, claiming it removes germs on surfaces to a safe level that is also determined by public health standards. Meaning sanitation is less harsh and intense than disinfectants. Sanitation does not kill fungi or viruses, rather removes them to a certain degree. It also reduces the growth of these harmful germs.

The center for disease control prevention defines disinfection as the killing of germs and bacteria on surfaces. It does not necessarily clean or removes germs. Disinfecting kills the bacteria with the chemicals in its physical makeup. It is usually required to keep the chemical on the surface for a certain amount of time to kill bacteria and germs. It is important to know the chemicals you are using to prevent issues and health conflicts.

It is easy to understand this concept and contrast between the two if you look at it as a spectrum. Cleaning on one end and disinfecting on the other, while sanitation lies in the middle. If you break down the numbers, sanitation kills 99.99% of germs in contrast to disinfectants kill 99.999%. The large difference is the fact that sanitization chemicals are not as strong as disinfectants. Sanitizing is better than cleaning alone but the reduction of pathogen populations on environmental surfaces is exponentially better when you disinfect.

2024-02-28 20:03 亦心