生物制品的清洁验证,具体可参考:Technical Report No. 49Points to Consider for Biotechnology Cleaning Validation,如果是擦拭取样的TOC检测,需要做擦拭回收率的测试。
The TOC method can be used for rinse and swab measurements. If used for final rinse water testing, samples can be analyzed directly. If used for swab testing, the organic carbon has to be extracted from the swab after sampling. It is important to consider some additional topics during TOC swab method development, such as swab material and technique. Swabs should not significantly contribute carbon to the sample and should not adsorb significant amounts of the residue such that it is not released for analysis. The sampling technique (e.g., swab size and shape, swabbing pattern, swab container and extraction method) is much more complex in comparison to rinse water testing. The swabbing technique can have a high influence on residue recovery.