

2015-08-05 16:29 萱萱     
卓乞 2015-09-01 11:00


2015-09-01 14:59


卓乞 2015-09-02 09:22

http://www.dxy.cn/bbs/topic/23880020 这是丁香园曾经的讨论。主题与本贴基本一致,仅供参考。

沐清风 2023-09-08 13:48

关于稳定性考察条件与原料药产品储存条件的对应可参考WHO 稳定性考察指南;温度25±2℃、相对湿度60±5%的长期的稳定性考察支持的储存条件应该为25℃以下保存,另外,药品储存条件不建议使用室温等描述,建议标注相关温度


Appendix 2 Recommended labelling statements

1. Active pharmaceutical ingredients

The statements that should be used if supported by the stability studies for active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) are listed in Table A10.1.

Table A10.1 Recommended labelling statements for active pharmaceutical ingredients
Testing condition under which the stability of the API has been demonstratedRecommended labelling statementa
25 °C/60% RH (long-term) 40 °C/75% RH (accelerated)“Do not store above 25 °C”
25 °C/60% RH (long-term)

30 °C/65% RH (intermediate, failure during accelerated stability studies)

“Do not store above 25 °C”b
30 °C/65% RH (long-term) 40 °C/75% RH (accelerated)“Do not store above 30 °C”b
30 °C/75% RH (long-term) 40 °C/75% RH (accelerated)“Do not store above 30 °C”
5 °C ± 3 °C”Store in a refrigerator (2 °C to 8 °C)”
−20 °C ± 5 °C“Store in freezer”

aDuring storage, shipment and distribution of the API, the current Good trade and distribution practices (GTDP) for pharmaceutical starting materials are to be observed (1). Details on storage and labelling requirements can be found in WHO guide to good storage practices for pharmaceuticals (2).

b“Protect from moisture” should be added as applicable.

2. Finished pharmaceutical products

The statements that should be used if supported by the stability studies for finished pharmaceutical products (FPPs) are listed in Table A10.2.

Table A10.2 Recommended labelling statements for finished pharmaceutical products
Testing condition under which the stability of the FPP has been demonstratedRecommended labelling statementa
25 °C/60% RH (long-term) 40 °C/75% RH (accelerated)“Do not store above 25 °C”
25 °C/60% RH (long-term)

30 °C/65% RH (intermediate, failure during accelerated stability studies)

“Do not store above 25 °C”b
30 °C/65% RH (long-term) 40 °C/75% RH (accelerated)“Do not store above 30 °C”b
30 °C/75% RH (long-term) 40 °C/75% RH (accelerated)“Do not store above 30 °C”
5 °C ± 3 °C“Store in a refrigerator (2 °C to 8 °C)”
−20 °C ± 5 °C“Store in freezer”

aDuring storage, shipment and distribution of the FPP, the current good distribution practices (GDP) for pharmaceutical products are to be observed (3). Details on storage and labelling requirements can be found in WHO guide to good storage practices for pharmaceuticals (2).

b“Protect from moisture” should be added as applicable.

In principle, FPPs should be packed in containers that ensure stability and protect the FPP from deterioration. A storage statement should not be used to compensate for inadequate or inferior packaging. Additional labelling statements that could be used in cases where the result of the stability testing demonstrates limiting factors are listed in Table A10.3.


请参考本站文献CPMP/QWP/609/96/Rev 2,就可以看到稳定性条件和贮存条件之间的关系。

2015-08-06 16:14 Zoo730     
阿卡星人 2015-09-02 08:42

你说的对,煎茶员 是应该的 好好学习,天天向上。

首先,依据ICH Q1的指导原则,产品标签上的储存条件标明为“室温”是应当尽量避免的,应该有明确的保存温度上限要求。

其次,假设你公司产品标注的贮存条件是“室温”(不超过30),那么你们公司的长期稳定性试验条件就应当选择30°C ± 2°C/65% RH ± 5% RH。

2015-08-05 21:37 ZQ     


2015-08-05 16:42     
宏伟 2015-08-11 10:09

检查员也不能瞎说呀 GMP中写得清清楚楚

ZQ 2015-08-12 13:12


阿卡星人 2015-09-02 08:41

那就直接放 太阳上考察 多好。挑战极限。

根据2010版中国GMP通则第十章第三节第二百三十四条  (七)贮存条件(应当采用与药品标示贮存条件相对应的《中华人民共和国药典》规定的长期稳定性试验标准条件);



2015-08-05 16:38 识林-讨论     
ZQ 2015-08-10 09:06

