2022-12-09 11:20 薛金柏     




Composition of the mobile phase: the amount of the minor solvent components may be adjusted by ± 30 per cent relative or ± 2 per cent absolute, whichever is the larger; no other component is altered by more than 10 per cent absolute. A minor component comprises less than or equal to (100/n) per
cent, n being the total number of components of the mobile phase. For a minor component at 10 per cent of themobile phase, a 30 per cent relative adjustment allows a range of 7-13 per cent whereas a 2 per cent absolute adjustment allows a range of 8-12 per cent, the relative value therefore being the larger ; for a minor component at 5 per cent of the mobile phase, a 30 per cent relative adjustment allows a range of 3.5-6.5 per cent whereas a 2 per cent absolute adjustment allows a range of 3-7 per cent, the absolute value being the larger in this case.

pH of the aqueous component of the mobile phase: ± 0.2 pH units, unless otherwise prescribed.
Concentration of salts in the buffer component of a mobile phase: ± 10 per cent.
Application volume: 10-20 per cent of the prescribed volume if using fine particle size plates (2-10 μm).




2022-12-11 10:37 Yiran