验证中的 Bracket approach 应如何把握

验证中有个词,Bracket approach 该如何翻译;在稳定性指南中有“括号法”一说,概念是否相同,可以直接套用吗?

2015-04-29 21:31 Hunter     


2015-05-19 13:54 小杰     

稳定性指南中均译为括号法,可参考最新的国内指南以及2007年 ICH Q1 指南的中译本


(1) Depyrogenation StudyThe component(s) of the loads for the depyrogenation study can be representative of the component(s) in the production loads (such as a worst-case vial or stopper) or can be the component of the drug product. Likewise, the load size(s) can be the same as the production load(s), can bracket the production load size(s), or can be worst-case when compared to the production load size(s). From Example Quality Overall Summary for an for an extended release capsule

(2)Formulation Optimization: A series of studies were performed to investigate the effect of the thickness of the controlled release membrane on dissolution ... three trial formulations having differing CR coating levels (6%, 11%, 16%) were designed such that their dissolution profiles (pH independent) would bracket the RLD dissolution profiles at 6.8. Pilot PK studies in 5 subjects were then performed to determine the coating thickness that would best match the pharmacokinetic profile of the RLD. From Question-based Review (QbR) for Sterility Assurance of Terminally Sterilized Products: Frequently Asked Questions

2015-04-29 21:41 识林-树苗 资深专家解答    
赵明剑 2015-04-29 21:55

更严格的一种提法是,Bracket approach 作为特定的方法,不单单要求变量和结果的增减性相一致,还要求变量和结果之间是一次函数。数学上称之为插值法,故可译为“分类法”或“两端点分类法”。