(Cited from public source) PDA TR gives information about minimum load of steam & time required for sterilization, however, without quantity of materials.
In some opinions, it define the minimum loads as the hardest to sterilize part, usually long tubing, placed in the coldest spot.
Someone defined partial loads as a portion of the established maximum validated load. Thus, minimum load studies are not required. They are often run, however, to provide additional assurance.
Provided that the load items are in the same position every time, you can then run any combination of items between the max validated load and the min validated load. This is standard accepted regulatory practice, as it would be impossible to actually validate every single combination that would be possible.
It is said any load items in daily operation must be consistently placed in the same location following the maxminum load. Any change in the loading pattern will alter the dynamics of the steam within the chamber and therefore the validated cycle/load.
A variable load configuration means that different combinations of items and/or numbers of any item(s) can be placed into the chamber. Thevalidationruns must demonstrate that the cycle is adequate for both a maximum and minimum load configuration. The minimum load tests are done with only one item in the autoclave, that item being the load item demonstrated as being the most difficult to sterilise.
From other firms materials http://www.pharmout.net/downloads/white_paper_autoclave_validation.pdf