Production Area
In order to minimise the risk of a serious medical hazard due to
cross-contamination, dedicated and self contained facilities must be available
for the production of particular medicinal products, such as highly sensitising
materials (e.g. penicillins) or biological preparations (e.g. from live
micro-organisms). The production of certain additional products, such as
certain antibiotics, certain hormones, certain cytotoxics, certain highly
active drugs and non-medicinal products should not be conducted in the same
facilities. For those products, in exceptional cases, the principle of campaign
working in the same facilities can be accepted provided that specific
precautions are taken and the necessary validations are made. The manufacture
of technical poisons, such as pesticides and herbicides, should not be allowed
in premises used for the manufacture of medicinal products.
3.6 Cross-contamination should
be prevented for all products by appropriate design and operation of
manufacturing facilities. The measures to prevent cross-contamination should be
commensurate with the risks. Quality Risk Management principles
should be used to assess and control the risks.
Depending of the level of risk, it may be necessary to dedicate
premises and equipment for manufacturing and/or packaging operations to control
the risk presented by some medicinal products.
Dedicated facilities are required for manufacturing when a
medicinal product presents a risk because:
i. the risk cannot be adequately controlled by operational and/
or technical measures,
ii. scientific data from the toxicological evaluation does not
support a controllable risk (e.g. allergenic potential from highly sensitising
materials such as beta lactams)
iii. relevant residue limits,
derived from the toxicological evaluation, cannot be satisfactorily determined
by a validated analytical method.
第四十六条 为降低污染和交叉污染的风险,厂房、生产设施和设备应当根据所生产药品的特性、工艺流程及相应洁净度级别要求合理设计、布局和使用,并符合下列要求:
药品生产质量管理规范(2010年修订)附录3生物制品 第十七条 卡介苗和结核菌素生产厂房必须与其它制品生产厂房严格分开,生产中涉及活生物的生产设备应当专用。
4.1.3 生物制品共线