如果首个ANDA是在2018年1月获批,需要立即交 GDUFA 2018财年的设施费吗?

按照GDUFA,关于申报美国ANDA的设施费,如果一个工厂的首个ANDA是在2018年1月获批,那工厂需要立即交2018财年的设施费吗?还是等到 2018年10月,交2019财年的设施费? 境外设施费挺贵的,22万多美元。

2018-04-18 15:30 Lava     

在 GDUFA 2 期,是针对 ANDA获批后“approved”引用的设施,不是“pending or approved generic drug submission”。
但是缴费原则在GDUFA 1期都说明白了。
Q37. If a facility is first identified, or intended to be identified, in a pending or approved generic drug submission after the due date for payment of the facility fee for a fiscal year, is it required to pay the fee for that year? 
No. The obligation to pay the fee depends on the status of the facility on the due date, the first business day on or after October 1 of each fiscal year. In most cases the critical question will be whether there is a generic drug submission pending or approved on the due date in which the facility is referenced. 
If the facility is first identified, or intended to be identified, in a pending or approved generic drug submission after the due date, its owner will be first obligated to pay a facility fee on the next due date. However, if a facility is identified, or intended to be identified, in a pending or approved generic drug submission on the due date, and that reference to the facility is later withdrawn, or the drug submission is later withdrawn, the fee will not be refunded.
Q37. 若某工厂是在该财年设施费用支付缴纳期限后,首次出现在待定、或获批ANDA,其是否需要支付该年度的费用? 
2018-04-19 13:44 小铃铛