EU |
US |
CN |
Equivalence |
Medicinal products are
pharmaceutically equivalent if they contain the same amount of the
same active substance(s) in
the same dosage
form that meet
the same or comparable standards. Pharmaceutical equivalence does not
necessarily imply
bioequivalence as differences in the excipients and/or the manufacturing
process can lead to faster or slower dissolution and/or absorption. |
Drug products are considered
pharmaceutical equivalents if they contain the same active ingredient(s), are of the
same dosage form,
route of administration and
are identical in strength
or concentration (e.g.,
hydrochloride, 5mg
capsules). Pharmaceutically equivalent
drug products are
formulated to contain
the same amount of active ingredient in the same dosage form and to
meet the same or compendial or other
applicable standards (i.e.,
strength, quality, purity, and
identity), but they may
differ in characteristics such
as shape, scoring
configuration, release
mechanisms, packaging, excipients (including colors,
flavors, preservatives),
expiration time, and, within certain limits, labeling. |
《化学药品注册分类及申报资料要求》 化学药品3类为境内生产的仿制境外已上市境内未上市原研药品的药品,具有与参比制剂相同的活性成份、剂型、规格、适应症、给药途径和用法用量,并证明质量和疗效与参比制剂一致。 化学药品4类为境内生产的仿制境内已上市原研药品的药品,具有与参比制剂相同的活性成份、剂型、规格、适应症、给药途径和用法用量,并证明质量和疗效与参比制剂一致。 《仿制药质量和疗效一致性评价工作中改盐基药品评价一般考虑》 药学研究均要求与被改盐基药品对照,进行对比试验,并对改盐基药品与被改盐基药品在各项目的异同与优劣进行评价。改盐基药品质量应与被改盐基药品的参比制剂质量相当。 |
Alternative |
Pharmaceutical alternatives are
medicinal products with
different salts, esters, ethers, isomers, mixtures of
isomers, complexes or derivatives of an active moiety, or which differ in
dosage form or strength. |
Drug products are considered
pharmaceutical alternatives if they contain the same therapeutic moiety, but
are different salts, esters, or complexes of that moiety, or are different
dosage forms or strengths(e.g., tetracycline hydrochloride, 250mg capsules vs. tetracycline phosphate
complex, 250mg capsules;
quinidine sulfate, 200mg tablets vs.
quinidine sulfate, 200mg
capsules). Data are
generally not available
for FDA to make the determination of tablet to capsule bioequivalence.
Different dosage forms and strengths
within a product
line by a
single manufacturer are
thus pharmaceutical
alternatives, as are
extended-release products when
compared with immediate-release
or standard-release formulations of the same active ingredient. |
《仿制药质量和疗效一致性评价工作中改盐基药品评价一般考虑》 改盐基药品系指制剂中使用的原料药在美国、欧盟或日本均未获准使用或无法确定含有相同原料药的参比制剂的药品。 如果活性成分相同,仅成盐形式不同,称为改盐基药品,包括改变已知盐类活性成分的酸根、碱基或金属离子,对游离形式药品成盐或把成盐药品改为游离形式等原料药与制剂。 原则上讲,通过改变成盐形式制成的药品应不改变其药理作用,仅改变其理化性质(如溶解度、稳定性等),以适应储存、生产或临床用药的需要。 《化学药品注册分类及申报资料要求》 2.1含有用拆分或者合成等方法制得的已知活性成份的光学异构体,或者对已知活性成份成酯,或者对已知活性成份成盐(包括含有氢键或配位键的盐),或者改变已知盐类活性成份的酸根、碱基或金属元素,或者形成其他非共价键衍生物(如络合物、螯合物或包合物),且具有明显临床优势的药品。 化学药品2类为改良型新药,在已知活性成份基础上进行优化,应比改良前具有明显临床优势。已知活性成份指境内或境外已上市药品的活性成份。该类药品同时符合多个情形要求的,须在申报时一并予以说明。 |
Bioequivalence |
Two medicinal
products containing the
same active substance
are considered
bioequivalent if they
are pharmaceutically equivalent
or pharmaceutical alternatives and their
bioavailabilities(rate and extent) after administration in the same molar dose
lie within acceptable predefined limits. |
Bioequivalence means the absence
of a significant difference inthe rate and extent to which
the active ingredient
or active moiety
in pharmaceutical equivalents
or pharmaceutical
alternatives becomes available
at the site
of drug action
when administered at the
same molar dose
under similar conditions
in an appropriately designed study. |
以等效为立题依据的改盐基药品,开展与被改盐基药品参比制剂的生物等效性研究; 2.
以优效为立题依据的改盐基药品,建议以被改盐基药品作为参比制剂,进行药代动力学研究、药代动力学研究/药效动力学研究和(或)相应的临床试验。 |
Equivalence |
Acts |
2001/83/EC |
Act |
中华人民共和国药品管理法 |
application |
Possible |
possible |
Possible(3,4类) |
application |
Possible |
Possible |
(2.1类) |
Basis |
10(3), Directive 2001/83/EC |
FD&C Act |
化学药品注册分类及申报资料要求 |
dossier |
Possible |
Possible |
Possible |
When? |
New dosage form, strength, route
of admin, indication, change to substance |
New dosage form, strength, route
of admin, indication, change to substance |
结构、剂型、处方工艺、给药途径、适应症等进行优化,且具有明显临床优势的药品 |
for different salt? |
Only if different properties
with respect to safety and/or efficacy |
Yes |
从药品的理化性质、生物学特性、临床需要等方面分析论证改盐基药品的科学性、合理性和必要性。 |
to submit? |
No full dossier. Applicant
relies in part on innovator’s data, provides some data himself |
No full dossier. Applicant
relies in part on innovator’s data, provides some data himself |
No full dossier. Applicant
relies in part on innovator’s data, provides some data himself |
exclusivity? |
No |
years |
- |
IP? |
Possible |
Possible |
- |
term |
years |
years |
- |
Additional patent protection /
data exclusivity |
Up to 5 years SPC (Supplementary
Protection Certificate) |
Up to 5 years Hatch-Waxman Act |
- |
protection period |
8 +2 years(data protection +
market exclusivity) |
5 +x years(data protection +
FDAs dossier evaluation time) |
- |
Sum of maximum total patent protection
and/or data protection period after MA |
15 years |
14 years |
- |