Will PIC/S adopt the EU GMP Annex 16 on Qualified Persons?

Content of current EU GMP Annex 16 is strongly influenced by EU Directives framework. Its proposed transposition by PIC/S is now focussing more on important technical elements of QP release decision(s) during manufacturing. This approach facilitates its applicability across different legislations and contributes to international harmonisation of GMP requirements. Important consultation!

PIC/S Adapting EU GMP Annex 16 on Authorised Person and Batch Release
Geneva, 15 June 2021


EU GMP Annex 16 on Certification by a Qualified Person* and Batch Release entered into force in 2002. At the time, PIC/S did not deem it necessary to transpose this EU-specific annex for PIC/S purposes. Following the revision of EU Annex 16 in 2016, PIC/S re-discussed whether to transpose Annex 16 in order to harmonise internationally requirements regarding product release in line with PIC/S’ mission “to lead the international development, implementation and maintenance of harmonised GMP standards and quality systems of Inspectorates in the field of medicinal products”. 

* The PIC/S term of  "Authorised Person" and the EU term of "Qualified Person" are strictly equivalent.

Public consultation

Following several internal rounds of consultation and extensive discussion between PIC/S Members on draft versions of PIC/S Annex 16, the PIC/S Committee recently agreed to proceed to Step 2 of the PIC/S consultation process. Step 2 of the PIC/S adoption process enables an opportunity for PIC/S Participating Authorities to consult with stakeholders. PIC/S Participating Authorities may take differing approaches to consultation. Some may engage in consultation at later periods through local harmonisation efforts that realize subsequent adaptation of PIC/S GMP into jurisdictional specific GMP guides or requirements.

This consultation will be launched on 15 June 2021 for a period of 3 months. The consultation will focus on national stakeholders of non-EU/EEA Members of PIC/S, considering that EU/EEA Members of PIC/S already apply EU Annex 16.

Where the implementation of PIC/S Annex 16 will affect a jurisdiction, the competent PIC/S Participating Authority will consult pharmaceutical industry associations. This consultation may also be open to the general public and other stakeholders. Comments from stakeholders will be considered carefully while working toward a general objective of ensuring continued harmonisation and equivalence between the EU and PIC/S GMP Guides. Minimal deviations between the guides will help work toward improved global harmonisation.

International professional and industry associations, which are interested to contribute to the PIC/S consultation process, are invited to channel their consolidated comments through one of the PIC/S Participating Authorities, which will launch a public consultation. For further enquiries, please contact info@picscheme.org